
Saturday, January 24, 2004

#Gundam Ban List
-Last Updated September 18, 2004

Name of the Offender - Class - Sentencing Term - Date of the Ban (EST) - Op - Reason

gundamnit - D - 1 Day - March 27, 2004 - Nydyne - Spam, Excessive foul language
I_am_a_dork_ - A - Indefinite - May 15, 2004 - Char350 - Flaming, Disturbance of conversation
Ubernoodle - B - 2 Weeks - May 19, 2004 - Psyco Haro - Inflammatory exiting message
gcom 375 - D - 1 Day - May 25, 2004 - Mirai_Yashima - Spamming the room by exiting/joining excessively
adeelplayboy131983630 - A - Indefinite - June 1, 2004 - Nydyne - Flaming mods, Harassment
girl17 - A - Indefinite - June 10, 2004 - Psyco Haro - Spam, A/S/L-ing
X109 - A - Indefinite - June 10, 2004 - Char350 - Flaming, Disturbance of conversation, Excess RP-ing
Bright, Haro, etc. - A - Indefinite - June 10, 2004 - Psyco Haro - He ... asked (where did that come from?)
CptCrotchSpike - B - 1 month - June 21, 2004 - CassRX - Trolling, flaming
Professor K - A - Indefinite - July 01, 2004 - Psyco Haro - Unhealthy to the chat

heavyarms2005 - D - 1 day - July 18, 2004 - Nydyne - Harassing chat members
Buster - C - week or so - August 11, 2004 - Caff - repeated flooding (got kicked multiple times), bothering people in PM, etc... ban evasion too *!*@*.992B64DC.11EF88B7.IP <-- bans Lake Tahoe community college, which is where that kid is coming from for some reason
Cody_Banks - D - 1 Day - September 01, 2004 - GM V - Spam by exiting/joining excessively
gundamcraz - A - Indefinite - September 18, 2004 - RGZ - Harassment, Ban evasion

Friday, January 23, 2004

Punishment Classifications

Class S - Permanent
Class A - Indefinite
Class B - 2 weeks to 1 month
Class C - 1 week to 2 weeks
Class D - Anything Less than a week

Punishments will be given out depending on the infractions, it ranges from the simple kick to permanent ban.

a) Kicking - Mostly dealt with first time offenders for spam/flood and other minor infractions. Usually two kickings will be used before banning.

b) Temp. Ban - They range from 1 minute to less than a week, usually used when a smaller infraction has been repeated.

c) Long Term Ban - They range from a week to a month, they are for more severe infractions. When they are banned, they will receive a kick message that shows they are officially banned. The banned user may return once their sentence is over.

d) Indefinite Ban - This will be the same as Long Term Ban. However, the chat operators will decide the sentence and will notify you.

e) Permanent Ban - This will be reserved for the worst offenders and repeated ban dodgers. Once you are permanently banned, you will NEVER be able return the chat ever again. (aka Save your pleas, they will be futile)

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